Koorie Heritage Trust: Wominjeka – A New Beginning

The Koorie Heritage Trust have a new home at Federation Square (Levels 1&3, Yarra Building, Federation Square, Corner of Flinders and Swanston Streets, Melbourne Vic 3000) and celebrate their 30th birthday with an exhibition 'Wominjeka – A New Beginning' (19 Sep – 22 Nov 15).

"The exhibition shows the work of five early career artists, exhibited alongside pieces from the Trust's collection that have been the muse for their own artistic expression and stories." The five artists are Aunty Marlene Gilson, Georgia MacGuire, Mitch Mahoney, Josh Muir and Raymond Young. "Working with mentors, these artists have created new works in response to selected items from our collections."

The Trust collection artists are Stephen Glassborow, Wally Cooper, Tommy McRae, Glenda Nicholls, Letty Nicholls, Vena Ingram, Mandy Nicholson, Kelly Koumalatsos, Brian Firebrace, Treahna Hamm, Dorothy Lovett, William Barak, and Darren Pattie-Bux.

Wominjeka new begining 1 Wominjeka new begining 2 Wominjeka new begining 3 Wominjeka new begining 4

Gallery shots of the exhibtion Wominjeka –  A New Beginning, 2015

Rigg Design Prize 2015

We are happy to announce another new writer to Art and Artists Blog, Emilia Martinez. Enjoy.

Today I went to the NGV at Federaion Square (Ground, Federation Sqaure, Flinders St & Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia). The exhibition I enjoyed the most was the Rigg Design Prize 2015 (18 Sep 15 – Feb 16) on level 3, showcasing work from seven furniture designers, Adam Goodrum (NSW), Brodie Neill (TAS), Daniel Emma (SA), Kate Rohde (VIC), Khai Liew (SA), Korban/Flaubert (NSW) and Koskela (NSW) in collaboration with the weavers of Elcho Island Arts (NT).

"Recognising excellence in contemporary Australian design, the Rigg Design Prize is the highest accolade for object and furniture design in Australia." – NGV

Brodie Niell Rigg Design Prize 2015

Brodie Neill, Remix Chaise Lounge, 2008 ,wood and mixed solid surface material

Kate Rohde Rigg Design Prize 2015

Kate Rohde, 2015

Adam Goodrum Rigg Design Prize 2015

Adam Goodrum, Unfolding, 2015, transparent synthetic polymer resin, dichroic filter
manufactured by Stage One, Melbourne

Daniel Emma Rigg Design Prize 2015 1

Daniel Emma, 2015

Daniel Emma Rigg Design Prize 2015 2

Daniel Emma, 2015

Koskela rigg design prize 2015

Koskela in collaboration with the weavers of Elcho Island Arts, 2015


William Kentridge Media Conference at Acmi

The William Kentridge exhibition is an amazing show, and below is a video of the media conference at Acmi. It's a very long video but it is great for if you want some insight on Kentrigde's work. Kentridge is very eloquent.

William Kentriage: five themes Media conference conducted on the 7th of March 2012

00:00 INTRO: William Kentriage: Five themes
00:03 Introduction to the ACMI exhibtion by Tony Sweeney ACMI Director
05:50 William Kentriage talks about his work
10:36 Question and Answer (talks about erasure, drawing, uses of blue, advice for aspiring artist)
18:16 Acmi 8 March- 27th May 2012 Exhibition open daily 10am -6pm . More information at www.acmi.net.au
18:22 Credits: Video Brought to you by Art & Artists Blog and esperanto magazine 
18:27 Cedits: Filmed By PANORAMIC+

Kinetic sculptor in Fed Square

So ever since I saw Theo Jansen's Ted talk video in 2007 about his awesome Kinetic sculptors I wanted to see one up close and personal.  I will be going to the Occupy Art event in Melbourne city square so while I'm there I will stop off at Fed Square to see his amazing sculptors. I can't wait. I will post a review of what I think later this week but in the meanwhile check out these videos.

Kinetic sculptor at Federation Square

A recent ted talk…

via Federation Square