Opening- Kent Wilson: ‘Would’

Come check out the opening of Would by Kent Wilson at Anna Pappas Gallery tongiht Wednesday 3 October from 6pm.

'Kent Wilson’s new solo exhibition at Anna Pappas Gallery explores our connection to nature through the materiality of wood and its origin in plant growth. Wilson’s series of wooden skulls and intricate abstract drawings are extrapolations and interpretations of natural patterns, processes and behaviours. The skulls implicate human life in the materiality of the plywood, the contour lines reflecting the growth rings of seasonal time. His considered use of this manufactured natural product blurs the fragile distinction between the natural and the cultural.'
Info and image via Anna pappa gallery facebook


Kubota Fumikazu at Blindside

I recommend everyone to checkout Kubota Fumikazu’s show (UN)FORTUNATELY NO LONGER HUMAN at Blindside in Gallery Two from 29 Feb – 17 Mar 2012.

In a world where we can so easily create lines using digital media, it is refreshing to see such intricately beautiful hand drawn elaborate graphic drawings.  You feel like you want to dive into his oddly un-human world of lines and negative space.

This is Kubota Fumikazu standing next to my favorite work in the show. It is a must see in person.

Installation view below.

On a side note his also had nice business cards and price list. Oh yes the prices were also very reasonable price started at $800.

To see more of his work click here