RSPCA Charity Art Ebay Auction


Some of Australias best street artists and fine artists have come together to donate their artwork to the RSPCA Charity Art Ebay Auction.
The following artist have kindly donated work: Alies, Brik, Janine Wallace, Lister, Lucy James, Miso, Pippa Makgill, Regrets, Sekr, Twoone and Zhen.
These artworks are some of the most collectible artworks around, some artworks are starting as little as $50. 
Please help this worthy cause and BUY SOME ART!  
Organised by Education For Animal Rights (EFAR) the ebay auction will start at 1pm on the 28th of May through to 1pm on the 4th of June.
To make a bid you can go to this address:
EFAR is a group of CAE students who have come together to organise this amazing event for the RSPCA. We aim to spread awareness for animal rights.
All profits made will be donated to the RSPCA. 
To view the art in person; 
44 Degraves St, Melbourne 3000.
(Corner of Degraves St & Flinders Lane, CAE Information Centre)
For any more information you can either email us on:
Visit our Facebook page on:

MoNOW opening

Manifestations of now is an exhibition of Australian artist and their how they reflect their cultures in their artwork. Spread over several venues around Fed Square with performances, videos, installations, paintings and prints this large collection of art works by contemporary artist are worth a look. There are also talks and public forums organiesed for these show.