SOYA365 is a great grants program / competition for artist and designers, not only do you have a chance to win money, mentorship and a trip, it’s a great way to publicize yourself. What's more, entry is FREE! Here are the details below.
Australian creatives and artists aged 18 – 30 are invited to enter original creative work in the 2012 Qantas Spirit of Youth Awards (SOYA365) for a chance to win an overseas trip including 8 nights accommodation, airfare, $5,000 in cash and flights and skill up with experts.
This year SOYA has changed for the better, we're open 365 days of the year and each month a different category closes. Be sure to check your individual category pages for the countdown of days left to submit your entry for a specific category. Please not as it is tward the end of the year only 2 categrories are left, Architecture & Interior Design (Entries close: 7th September 2012) and Animation (Entries close: 5th October 2012)
Architecture & Interior Design
Craft & Object Design
Film & Video
Interactive Content & Gaming
Visual Arts
Visual Design & Communications
Written Word
Also they have just announced the winner of The Craft & Object Design category. Henry Wilson is travelling to London to exhibit his work at the London Design Fair. He also receives $5,000 cash and a mentorship with design mastermind Marc Newson.
Here is some of the work he entered…

I really encourage you to check out the SOYA365 to see all the all the awesome work artist and other creative people have put up.
Info & photos via SOYA365